Gangnam Style

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Feel Your Color!

Here my new project dedicated to a special woman in my life, Melisa Rodriguez.
Hope you enjoy this video based in beautiful pictures drawed by Mel.

"A sage asked his mandalíes the following: - Why people shout when angry?
The men thought for a while: - Because we lose the calm - Said another-
Said another shout so.

- But why shout when the other person is on your side? Asked the sage. Is not it possible to speak softly? Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?
The men gave some other answers but none satisfied the sage.
Finally the Wise said: - When two people are angry, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be heard. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.
Therefore the Sage asked: - What happens when two people fall in love?, They do not yell at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small. Wise continued: - When they love even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to his love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look and that's it. That is how close two people are when they love.
Then the sage said: - When you argue do not let your hearts away, do not say words that detach more, there will come a day when the distance is so great that no longer find the way back. "

 Dedicate to love and when something bothers you, fix it with tranquility.


Hoy les muestro mi ultimo proyecto dedicado a una mujer muy especial en mi vida, Melisa Rodriguez.
Espero disfruten este video basado en hermosas imagenes dibujadas por Mel.

"Un Sabio preguntó a sus mandalíes lo siguiente: - ¿Por qué la gente se grita cuando está enojada?
Los hombres pensaron unos momentos: — Porque perdemos la calma —dijo uno— por eso gritamos.
— Pero, ¿por qué gritar cuando la otra persona está a tu lado? —preguntó el sabio—. ¿No es posible hablarle en voz baja? ¿Por qué gritas a una persona cuando estás enojado?
Los hombres dieron algunas otras respuestas pero ninguna de ellas satisfacía al sabio.
Finalmente el Sabio explicó: — Cuando dos personas están enojadas, sus  corazones se alejan mucho. Para cubrir esa distancia deben gritar, para  poder escucharse. Mientras más enojados estén, más fuerte tendrán que  gritar para escucharse uno a otro a través de esa gran distancia.
Luego el Sabio preguntó: — ¿Qué sucede cuando dos personas se enamoran?,  ellos no se gritan sino que se hablan suavemente, ¿por qué? Porque sus  corazones están muy cerca. La distancia entre ellos es muy pequeña.El  Sabio continuó: — Cuando se enamoran más aún, ¿qué sucede? No hablan,  sólo susurran y se vuelven aún más cerca en su amor. Finalmente no  necesitan siquiera susurrar, sólo se miran y eso es todo. Así es cuan  cerca están dos personas cuando se aman.
Luego el Sabio dijo: —  Cuando discutan no dejen que sus corazones se alejen, no digan palabras  que los distancíen más, llegará un día en que la distancia sea tanta que  no encontrarán más el camino de regreso."

Dedicate a AMAR y cuando algo te moleste, arreglalo con tranquildad.


Feel Your Color from Andres Aguirre Giron on Vimeo.

Life Is Awesome

*When you look at the solar system you see that there is a perfect order to the universe.
When you learn about the animal kingdom and the food chain, you see that there is order there too.
When you go into the underwater world and feel the oceans and current, you get to understand the same.
Why do we think that our individual lives are different?
Whatever you're going through, there is a purpose for it.You might not see because we are in the middle! We see the order in other systems because we are looking from the outside.
But if we could get out of ourselves and observe from a distance, would see the perfect order of our day, our challenges and our lives.*


**Cuando observas el sistema solar ves que existe un orden perfecto para el universo.
Cuando aprendes sobre el reino animal y la cadena alimenticia, ves que hay orden allí también.
Cuando te adentras en el mundo submarino y sientes los océanos y la corriente, llegas a entender lo mismo.
¿Por qué pensamos que nuestras vidas individuales son diferentes?
Sea lo que sea que estemos atravesando, existe un propósito para ello. ¡Tal vez no lo veamos porque estamos en el medio! Vemos el orden en otros sistemas porque los estamos viendo desde afuera.
Pero si pudiéramos salirnos de nosotros mismos y observar desde la distancia, veríamos el orden perfecto de nuestro día, nuestros desafíos y nuestra vida.


Song: Sail - Awolnation

Blood Red Shoes

In time to voices (2012) 

Charlie Mather - PRODUCER
Adam Mendez - FOLEY ARTIST
Helena Demaria-Williams - STYLIST
Alexa Gould-Kavet - STYLIST
Triski Nurani - STYLIST
Portia Williams - MAKE UP
Trushna Patel - RUNNER
Louis Payne - RUNNER
Laura-Mary Carter - BLOOD RED SHOES (Arm Wrestler)
Steven Ansell - BLOOD RED SHOES (Referee)



Big Bang Boom!

an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end. Animation by blu. sountrack by Andrea Martignon.


This talented L.A. musician by the name of Kawehi uses nothing more than her voice along with one microphone, one pedal, and a loop recorder, to string together an amazing musical performance.

One Girl with One Mic and One Pedal



Untiled (2011) HD 720P

UNTITLED (2011) Location: Dalston, London Model: Szabina Shot on: Sony HDV Handycam Edited on: iMovie 06 Music: Mum 

My channel >>
Other channel >>

iTabula Rasa - Short HD 720P


Arnoldas Vitkus

Short created by Arnoldas

Music by Povilas Ramoska

Found more at
Watch this and many more videos by me on

The Raven Hd 1080p

Enjoy this short video.

Director : Ricardo de Montreuil
Producers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Eliz Eskeranli
Writers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Antonio Perez
Cinematographer: Andres Sanchez
Composer: Angelo Milli
Special Effects Supervisor: Aaron Burns
3D Modeling and Animation: Juan Somarriba and Francisco Concha
Visual Effects and Compositing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Editing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Color Correction: Santiago Padilla
Sound Design and Mixing: Martin Seltzer
Budget: $5k
Format: RED 1920x1080
Special thanks: Filmosonido, CO3 and Converse


Feel The Magic!!

Hey how are you? :D
Today I'll share with you my new production, hopy u enjoy this.
Any suggestion please leave a comment, thanks.

Here my channel

Do u like the music?

Here a new video about music, what kind of music?, the answer is the best music!!, well you can see in the next video and enjoy the progress of music from 1960's to the present day.
So what's your favorite song? And what was your favorite music decade?If u want the name of any song just comment! 

Feel The Music 2!

Now you can enjoy twenty three minutes of this production only for your entertainment, i hope that you like this if not comment your idea to improve my work day to day, thanks.

Coming soon Feel The Magic! :)


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