We tend to think that we can not perform certain activities either because they find tried and failed or because it simply because we are afraid of failing. The secret to this is in the love and faith you put your goal, if you do something, do it with love, and that you may go wrong, put faith in your goal and persevering, so fall again and again, do not give up , everything is as you want it and try it.
Solemos pensar que no podemos realizar ciertas actividades ya sea porque lo hallamos intentado y fracasado o porque simplemente ya tenemos miedo de fracasar. El secreto esta es en el amor y la fe que le pongas a tu meta, siempre que hagas algo, hazlo con amor y nada te podra salir mal, ponle fe a tu meta y se perseverante, asi caigas una y otra vez, no desistas, todo esta en cuanto lo intentes y lo desees.
Dragon Ball Z Flipbook Episode 1 Goku VS Buu
Dragon Ball Z Flipbook Episode 2 Broly vs Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z Flipbook Episode 3 Gohan vs Janemba