Voice Of Angels!

Gently Hear this song called "Hallelujah" sung by angels..

Title: Real angels singing "Hallelujah" (Paradise)

This audio recording used in this video belongs to Uriah Rodriguez. This music was taken when a state-Unidenses were gathered to record a song that they were playing in honor of God. However, they play the recording to (your song), they were astonished to listen to voices that were not theirs. At first, they did not know what they were or who they were that were so solemnly singing, but when analyzing this heavenly praise, he realized that these voices did not belong to this world, because the tone of the voices are very sharp and refined, completely impossible that a human can get to achieve this sharpness, also note that they do not breathe (never stop to rest) and still praising the Lord heavenly, and the instruments can not be identified because they are angelic and spiritual tools.
This led to the conclusion that these were angelic choirs and it was a miracle of God that this happened. This happened over twenty years ago, however the recording is preserved despite its poor quality, but appreciates their sweet songs and praises solmenes.

The images posted on this video are representations of paradise and life there as in the visions of mystics and saints. With these, you can imagine as Paradise and how people live today. (Except the last three, since two of them are the second coming of Jesus and the latter represents the risen Jesus over 2000 years ago).


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